SBS Healthcare Provider Locator

It can be difficult for people living with Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS) and their caregivers to find providers that have experience managing SBS. This resource is intended to help identify providers in your area who have knowledge and experience in managing this rare condition. See SBS Healthcare Provider Locator Terms and Conditions of Use below.

*ZIP Code and Distance OR State alone are required fields


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Provider Specialty
Nurse Practitioner
Physician Assistant
Primary Care Physician
Registered Dietitian

Please note that new providers are added regularly and may not be in this locator yet.

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0 providers match provider matches your search. Results are ordered by distance from nearest to farthest if searched by ZIP code. If searched by state, results appear in no particular order.

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to find a provider

SBS Healthcare Provider Locator Terms and Conditions of Use

Provider names and details are furnished for your information only. Decisions regarding choice of a provider and treatment are a patient's responsibility, as is all communication and interaction with listed medical professionals. Any information you send to a provider is not covered by the Takeda Privacy Policy:

The list of providers generated by your search criteria is based on the ZIP code or state that you entered. You have the option to sort search results by proximity to the ZIP code that you entered, alphabetically, or by provider specialty.

The information and content in the SBS Healthcare Provider Locator are provided solely by the listed providers and may or may not include the name of the providers' institutions at their discretion. This list was created to support patients who want to learn more about SBS by helping identify providers who have self-designated as having knowledge and experience in managing this rare condition. The resulting lists of providers on this Provider Locator are not comprehensive and other providers with SBS experience may be available. Listed providers pay no fee for inclusion. Providers on this list opt-in to participation, they are not chosen, selected, endorsed or recommended by Takeda; however, some providers on this list may prescribe products from or provide consulting services to Takeda. Takeda makes no representations or warranties regarding, and shall not be responsible for, the competencies or skill level of any of the providers listed on the SBS Healthcare Provider Locator or the quality of their care. You and your provider must determine what care and treatment is right for you. Further, Takeda makes no representations or warranties that any provider listed on the SBS Healthcare Provider Locator will accept your insurance.

Takeda reserves the right to remove and/or exclude any provider from the SBS Healthcare Provider Locator immediately and without notice in its sole discretion in the event that Takeda becomes aware of (i) any alleged or suspected fraud or abuse or violation of law, arising out of any activity involving the provider, (ii) any alleged or suspected violations of any federal or state health care program requirements by the physician, (iii) any threatened, proposed, or actual revocation of license/certification, suspension, exclusion, or debarment of the provider, (iv) any subpoena, legal process, civil investigative demand, discovery request, or similar request for information involving the provider, and/or (v) any facts, allegations or situations of a similar nature.